Kenora Anishinaabe- Kweg Aboriginal Head Start Program Statement
The Kenora Anishinaabe-Kweg Aboriginal Head Start Programs enhances the overall development of Urban Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children. Our programs are developed to better the future of our parents and children with a cultural approach and direction from the four foundations of the How Does Learning Happen document: Belonging, Well-being, Engagement and Expression.
We strive to promote the Aboriginal culture and language and take a holistic approach to Aboriginal education by implementing the Seven Grandfather Teachings; Respect, Love, Honesty, Courage, Humility, Wisdom, and Truth.
Our vision to provide an environment where each child and family has an equal opportunity to grow spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, socially and physically, which will contribute to lifelong learning.
Kenora Anishinaabe-Kweg Aboriginal Head Start Programs believe that all children are competent, capable, and curious. We provide enriching environments that allow children to take risks and explore their surroundings and the world around them.
We work along-side our community partners to provide early prevention/intervention programs and services for the development, language, health and well-being of Urban Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children in our programs.
Our program is comprised of six components;
Culture & Language: Our goal is to revive the Ojibwe language and culture with our children and families. We encourage both the English and Ojibwe language. The cultural experiences and activities we provide the children with, will help support their expression, exploration and communication. Our center participates and encourages children and their families to take part in community celebrations and traditional gatherings.
Education: Our vision is to provide a culturally based and an enriching environment that allows children to learn, grow and flourish to their fullest potential. Each classroom will provide age appropriate and play based experiences based on the children needs and interests. We capture the children’s daily connections and experiences in our programs through documentation and storytelling. Our staff will be involved in ongoing professional learning to continue building knowledge around early childhood development and the Aboriginal culture.
Health Promotion: We believe that being outdoors plays a key role in the well-being of a child. All children in our programs will experience a minimum of two hours of outdoor play, weather permitting, each day. The children will also have an opportunity for rest/sleep time depending on the child’s needs. Health Care Professionals are included in our center and are an important part in the health and development of our children and families. We offer workshops and referrals to programs and organizations within our community.
Nutrition: Our programs promote the health, nutrition and well-being of each child and family. We provide two snacks and a hot lunch daily, following the Canada’s Food Guide for Aboriginal People. We accommodate dietary requirements for children in our programs to the best of our abilities. Our programs offer nutrition workshops, events and healthy recipes for our families to develop and enhance nutritional eating habits.
Parental & Family Involvement: We strive to involve parents/guardians and family members in all aspects of our program. Our staff value and foster the relationships with our children and families and encourage their participation. We welcome extended family members, elders, cultural teachers and traditional people into our program to help educate and nurture our children and families. We believe that parents and caregivers are a primary teacher of their children and it is important to our center to have the family’s involvement and input when planning our programs. Our vision is to ensure the parents and families feel confident and supported in their parenthood journey.
Social Supports: Our goal is to provide advice, support and information to families. We provide and facilitate community resources to support the safety, mental health and well-being of all children and families, while ensuring confidentiality.
We believe that children have the right to learn their respective Aboriginal language(s) and histories. Each child is a gift from our Creator and is here to teach the community. Adults have a responsibility to pass on the instructions that the Creator gave in the beginning of time as are reflected in our languages, cultural beliefs and cultural practices. Our children are our future and we look forward to watching them learn, develop and grow with you.